Sometimes I think that I will forever live in LA. The sun streams down on to the green streets of Mar Vista as I walk to my friends garage sale....
and I think about how every day is just as lovely as the next. That there are creative people all around. That I am dong what I want to do. But mostly there is something so satisfying about always being satisfied by the world around you. The gorgeous plants, flowers, and trees. But more then the visual. There is this feeling that comes over me more and more....this unexplainable feeling of knowing I am not going to leave....this feeling of complete. The feeling of complete that is at once being trapped and at once being free. Then I can't hear my mother on my cell phone cause the traffic on Venice Blvd. is so loud...and it smells like exhaust. I get jolted out of my revelry. But lately that revelry happens more and more. I'm getting sucked in. But I also miss the hardship of cold. Of needing wool socks. Survival is so real when it is 5 degrees out. You see the infrastructure of civilization. Of knowing that the world is NOT just a playground for all of us adults playing big kids. In California it feels like all you need is a tarp, some food, a swimsuit, and a sweater with you and you could live comfortably. It is a quirky place....(see pic of AA market that sells booze)

Last night I had the GREATEST time! But I have no pics to go with this story. I went dancing! At my friend Ofunne's bday party! What a blast! danced to African, disco, hip hop, etc....magical! magical night! new friends....old friends...music and a tiny dance floor....

I have to admit it is a lot of fun! Today I went to my friend Lara's garage sale that was at Bod and Theresa's house...see pics of the great set up of watching the World Cup OUTSIDE! it was grand to sit outside after buying an amazing pair of boots to wear to work and some clothes for my new job (I spent $23). I was cheering for Ghana against the USA....cause I am a traitor like that...but mostly cause I know what a win for Ghana would be to the people of Ghana. Ghana has nothing. This win would be an eruption of joy for Ghana. Well I should say I am SURE it was....but you won't find it blasted all over the internet. You won't see commercials about it seconds after the win, because Ghana isn't a world power. Ghana is a poor country with a big heart. I think the team showed that today. (I am an American I mourn our loss but I think it is great we got out of group play and into the real tourney! we are growing as a team). Futbal is HUGE in Ghana. Go Ghana!
What I thought about today was perspective. The perspective that taking different buses give me. If I can get to the same neighborhood on different buses, visually and physically it can be a very different experience. I enjoy walking down the same street twice in random neighborhoods. Try to remember why I was there. how it looked then. And how does it look differently. AND realize how neighborhoods can look very similar. This all seems rather simplistic but to experience perspective. The way a road looks from one end to another. How you can walk back the way you came and it is completely different in a way. That is cool. There was a teddy bear stuck in a tree on my street and days would go by before I remembered it was there. And then one day it was gone. looking is about attention and it doesn't get old.I think this perspective also speaks to relationships.... As I try to receive love in a healthier way, I see those around me differently.
I ended my adventuring at the Susan Vielmetter Gallery. After all this introspection thinking about and learning about immigration policies of america and the fight against them was harsh. But was very lucky to hear Enrique Morones of Border Angels and Ernesto Yerena speak. and Felicia Montes spoken word (view above pic). I am just trying to digest what I learned. Andrea Bowers work is amazing....with thousands of names of the dead who died trying to cross in America since the wall went up in graphite covering the walls like the border's wall. The idea of the wall being like the Berlin wall never sunk in until I heard Morones compare the two today. I wanted to listen to Andrea's other video about the land grab in Utah but I hadn't eaten all day and had to jet home.
I can't wait for tomorrow.
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