The Art Marathon has begun!
First was the amazing Woman's Building opening reception!
This was something I was personally involved with, actually in charge of getting it all together!
So I was invested! There was over 1000 people there and it seemed like everyone had a great time. We sold the new publications that were created in conjunction with the show! We sold eyebolt necklaces! We had tea sandwiches from Tudor House and we had cupcakes and cakes from the Cake Divas.
The Divas were out and about (unfortunately not the Cake Divas they were stuck in Palm Springs)!
I caught glimpses of Judy Chicago, so the glimmering eyes of Rachel Rosenthal and was told to come see Tobuhubu, I saw the glamorous Barbara T Smith, met Marguerite Elliott, and so so sosososososo many more! Including the fabulous Jerri Allyn and the rest of the amazing Waitresses.
Let us just say I get tired just thinking of that first leg of the art marathon for me!
Secondly was the Trepass parade! which was the next day!!!!! AH! Pedestal & the All Girl Band intercepted the parade and had a great time!

The third leg of the marathon was actually the party for the Trespass parade. It was in that grand hall you can rent out in Union Station. Let's just say this. One it is great to finally not work an event! for Pacific Standard Time fun! And I met JD Samson of Le Tigre. Which made my life! Lovely person!
Then the next weekend after recuperating, I went out to Pomona with Meg Linton, and Jenay Meraz to Pomona to hear Judy Chicago speak to her younger self. it was worth the drive and she had great questions...including "Is this still important today? This feminist stuff?' (that isn't a quote) and let me tell you it IS! Rape still happens all the time! It still goes unreported! I myself don't feel comfortable riding the bus home at night! UGH!!!!! Thanks Judy for reminding me!
next up Still Doin' It: Fannin' the Flames of the Woman's Building.
Saturday is free!
Buy a ticket for Sunday!
Maybe after this I can relax!
keep arting and keep track of what you art and send it to me at greyareaartist@gmail.com