I am sitting in my bed... manic on a Sunday...writing a blog. Cause well I just can't calm down.
Things are going great our Pacific Standard Time show at the Ben Maltz Gallery is almost up!
and Pacific Standard Time craziness has begun!!!! so many shows so many events...my head is spinning and I am planning out the next 6 months of how I will get to everything....
I have decided to run an unofficial Art Marathon! Join me...keep track of the 26 events and exhibits you get to! and then send me the info! and hey if you are no in LA why not from now until May keep track of the first 26 shows and art events you go to....send it to greyareaartist@gmail.com.....if you want to tell me the dates of when you go that is great too...
i am to tabulate the results and share that!
Art has taken over my life!!! I am applying to residencies...let me know if you know any good art residencies in Europe! and well Pacific Standard Time has taken over all of my free time.
This will be marathon central so I will chronicle the events I go to!
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