Monday, September 3, 2012

Starting anew

 It has been a WHOLE year since I blogged and well i feel awful about that! I am starting another year of blogging with a commitment to MORE blogging!

To catch up, it has been amazing year and I am not going to try to remark on all the cool events, projects, and things I have done but just highlight a few that just happened or are happening now.
 This past May I ran a 5K! I trained for for 4 months...using Couch to 5K. A great free resource online. I then ran the Pasadena marathon's 5K race. It was a struggle to believe I could do it. Since I had NEVER run a mile before this January. Now I am thinking about a 10K and training for a sprint triatholon. As a dancer, it shouldn't be a suprise that I love to run. It is so physically satisfying and living close to the beach, i get to look at the ocean and even jump into it after a run! Like I did today! in these funny looking shoes.
 This summer i screened an amazing video show, "Invoking LA." the greatest part was speaking to 100 high school students about it. There was a leasat 500 visitors to the show. Which is REALY good for a small college's gallery! I am beyond pleased with how it went. Here is a link to some press we got.
On a personal art note, I have re-entered the world of drawing! I am LOVING it. It started with me taking a textile class at Otis college of Art and Design. It sparked me to just start getting out the colored pencils, ink, and paint again. I am making textile designs and great drawings. Looking forward to a year of drawing projects. Including a large re-mix of the 3 Graces. I will post pics as things are made. This is a detail of an underwater creature drawing I did. Seriously considering starting a textile design business, starting with a line of socks. Just need some capital and find the right companies to partner with.

Well, that is a good start.
I will be posting again regularly about the art events I go to. About spirituality. Well and a little bit of whatever comes my way.

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